Dawn of Unity

“It’s hard to do justice to a book like this in just a paragraph, so I’ll make it short. The story is riveting and imaginative, with lovable characters you can’t help but root for. Written by a talented writer with an intricate and gorgeous world in mind, this is what fantasy is all about. It’s the kind of novel that sticks with you long after you’re finished reading it.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Valor Fowler, Goodreads (Review)

“In Dawn of Unity, author Nitish Sharma underscores the shared humanity of these two main character. Will’s desire for exoneration and Ahmed’s thirst for knowledge and prestige provide a relatable framework for readers to empathize with. Ultimately, the tale of Will and Ahmed serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in a fantasy world, and in the face of adversity. The writing is clean and as well as the clearly-developed arcs of Will and Ahmed, others are equally compelling. For a first step in an ambitious series, Sharma’s skill as a storyteller is solid.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Asher Syed, Readers’ Favorite (Review)

“A dramatic fantasy novel driven by strong characters and a complex system of governance and religion. Will’s story arc is deliberately paced and emotional, a journey that takes him from abandonment and disillusionment to personal agency and a clear path to redemption. A robust novel featuring a heady blend of something akin to medieval steampunk and magical fantasy, joined together to build a unique world where you’re sure to be awed. Classic themes are given a new lease on life in Dawn of Unity.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

R.C. Gibson, Indies Today (Editorial Review)